产地 | 上海 |
额定电压 | 220V |
附加功能 | 手机遥控 |
高度 | 8CM-10CM |
功能 | 拖扫吸式 |
适用面积 | 120-150平米 |
品牌 | Galileo伽利略 |
型号 | FR-S01 |
是否带遥控器 | 是 |
吸尘器款式 | 卧式 |
外观造型 | 扫地机器人 |
清扫路线 | 规划式 |
是否自动充电 | 是 |
碰撞保护 | 机械+电子双层保护 |
是否有定时预约功能 | 是 |
有无虚拟墙 | 有 |

FragmentWelcome to consult...for myself, out of
the streets, and out of men and women; and how some main points
in the character I shall unconsciously develop, I suppose, in
writing my life, were gradually forming all this while.
There was a club in the prison, in which Mr. Micawber, as a
gentleman, was a great authority. Mr. Micawber had stated his
idea of this petition to the club, and the club had strongly
approved of the same. Wherefore Mr. Micawber (who was a
thoroughly good-natured man, and as active a creature about
everything but his own affairs as ever existed, and never so happy
as when he was busy about something that could never be of any
profit to him) set to work at the petition, invented it, engrossed it
on an immense sheet of paper, spread it out on a table, and
appointed a time for all the club, and all within the walls if they
chose, to come up to his room and sign it.
When I heard of this approaching ceremony, I was so anxious to
see them all come in, one after another, though I knew the greater
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
David Copperfield
part of them already, and they me, that I got an hour’s leave of
absence from Murdstone and Grinby’s, and established myself in a
corner for that purpose. As many of the principal members of the
club as could be got into the small room without filling it,
supported Mr. Micawber in front of the petition, while my old
friend Captain Hopkins (who had washed himself, to do honour to
so solemn an occasion) stationed himself close to it, to read it to all
who were unacquainted with its contents. The door was then
thrown open, and the general population began to come in, in a
long file: several waiting outside, while one entered, affixed his
signature, and went out. To everybody in succession, Captain
Hopkins said: ‘Have you read it?’—‘No.’—‘Would you like to hear
it read?’ If he weakly showed the least disposition to hear it,
Captain Hopkins, in a loud sonorous voice, gave him every word of
it. The Captain would have read it twenty thousand times, if
twenty thousand people would have heard him, one by one. I
remember a certain luscious roll he gave to such phrases as ‘The
people’s representatives in Parliament assembled,’ ‘Your
petitioners therefore humbly approach your honourable house,’
‘His gracious Majesty’s unfortunate subjects,’ as if the words were
something real in his mouth, and delicious to taste; Mr. Micawber,
meanwhile, listening with a little of an author’s vanity, and
contemplating (not severely) the spikes on the opposite wall.
As I walked to and fro daily between Southwark and
Blackfriars, and lounged about at meal-times in obscure streets,
the stones of which may, for anything I know, be worn at this
moment by my childish feet, I wonder how many of these people
were wanting in the crowd that used to come filing before me in
review again, to the echo of Captain Hopkins’s voice! When my
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
David Copperfield
thoughts go back, now, to that slow agony of my youth, I wonder
how much of the histories I invented for such people hangs like a
mist of fancy over well-remembered facts! When I tread the old
ground, I do not wonder that I seem to see and pity, going on
before me, an innocent romantic boy, making his imaginative
world out of such strange experiences and sordid things!
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
David Copperfield
Chapter 12
In due time, Mr. Micawber’s petition was ripe for hearing; and
that gentleman was ordered to be discharged under the Act,
to my great joy. His creditors were not implacable; and Mrs.
Micawber informed me that even the revengeful boot-maker had
declared in open court that he bore him no malice, but that when
money was owing to him he liked to be paid. He said he thought it
was human nature.
M r Micawber returned to the King’s Bench when his case was
over, as some fees were to be settled, and some formalities
observed, before he could be actually released. The club received
him with transport, and h