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Chroma 66200 66202中茂Chroma 66202
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中茂Chroma 66202 中茂Chroma 66202 

:    陈工
工作:  1950742972


Model 66200 series 数位式功率表

内建高速 DSP 芯片,16 Bits 的模拟 / 数字转换器
符合能源之星ENERGY STAR /EN 50564:2011/IEC 62301:2011 / ErP 量测需求
使用者设定规范,机器可自动判定PASS / FAIL
双电流传感器,可量测大范围电流应用(Model 66202)
总谐波失真THD及使用者定义阶数的失真度量测 (Model 66202)
涌浪电流 (Inrush Current)及能量量测(Model 66202)

Chroma 66202数位功率表符合EN50564:2011/ IEC62301:2011标准针对功率量测要求
EN 50564:2011为标准针对家电类及办公室使用的电子产品,在无载状态下的功率量测规范及后续量测资料分析处理方式做定义。EN 50564:2011的内容是取得于IEC 62301:2011标准,因此这两个标准在功率量测规范及后续量测资料分析处理方式是相同的。
Chroma 66202数位功率表是可以完全符合EN 50564:2011在B.2.1章节对于功率量测设备所规范的要求,除此之外66202也可以完全符合4.4.1章节对于功率量测不确定度要求部份。基本上66202已通过KEMA实验室检验为符合IEC 62301:2005针对功率量测需求的功率表,目前已确认在300V x 100mA档位的功率量测准确度规格为0.1% Reading + 0.05% Range是小于EN 50564:2011所定义的不确定功率0.02W。
Chroma 66202对于EN 50564:2011在量测资料分析处理方式部份也提供了完整的解决方案,66202的电脑图形化介面软体(Softpanel)提供使用者容易操作的界面,可以依照标准所要求的方式来分析量测资料,同时可提供测试报告,记录所有的相关参数,如总谐波失真率、波峰因数、电压、电流、频率、有效功率,视在功率、功率因数等。
电源效率测试软体免费下载-可应用于能源之星(Energy Star)和耗能产品生态设计需求指令 (EUP ecodesign)针对电源效率量测。本软体整合功率表与电子负载, 若没接仪器时, 仍可进入demo模式来进行操作使用. 下载: 电源效率测试软体&操作手册
66200系列数位式功率表是用来量测单相交流电源的功率及其他电压电流参数,适用于大部份的电机电器产品。不同于一般传统用类比线路的方式,66200系列使用了类比转数位化16 bits的高解析度,zui高 250KHz的取样频率,及高速的数位讯号处理(DSP)技术。比起其他厂牌同等级的功率表,它能提供更多功能,及更快速量测出稳定及精确的数值。
66200系列数位式功率表系列有四个显示视窗,同时提供不同参数读取,使用者可以很容易的选择想读取的数值。每个视窗的七段显示器提供5 digits的量测解析度。另外于后背板有USB或GPIB介面供使用者选配,做数位控制使用。另外,机器的体积为2U的高度及一半标准机柜宽度,适用于系统整合。
型号66201为基本功能的机种,专为小功率产品测试使用,例如电池充电器、电压适调器、LCD监视器等。可量测参数包括了 :1. Voltage : Vrms, Vpeak+, Vpeak-2. Current : Irms, Ipeak+, Ipeak-3. Power : Watts, Power Factor, Apparent Power VA, Reactive Power VAR4. Current Crest Factor Frequency
型号66202数位功率表内部有两组量测电流感测器,可满足小电流的量测精准要求,也可适用大电流的应用。除了型号 66201可量测的参数外,66202还可以测量涌浪电流(Inrush Current),总谐波失真率(Total Harmonic Distortion)及能量(焦耳)。因为多了这些功能,66202更能满足研发部门或品管部门的量测需求。
66200系列不仅提供平均模式,也提供了移动视窗法,让使用者设定时间长度,量测时会计算视窗内所有资料,所以不会遗漏任何讯号。除此之外也提供能量累积模式(INTEGRATION MODE)来量测功率,符合能源之星测试要求。

提供量测电压和电流的总谐波失真率(TOTAL HARMonIC DISTORTION)的功能,可直接显示在功率表上。而能源之星有些测试需要验证输入交流电压包含到 13 阶谐波成份的失真率需小于2%,66202数位功率表也提供了能让使用者定义谐波阶数N的设定,




可选购A662003量测用治具组 (250V/15A),方便接线测试。66202可选购50A/100A的外挂电流转换器来增加电流量测范围。

Model    Description    
66201     数位式功率表    
66202     数位式功率表

Model 66200 series Digital Power Meter

Key Features:
Voltage Range : 150/300/500 Vrms
Current Range : 
Model 66201 - 0.01/0.1/0.4/2 Arms 
Model 66202 - 0.01/0.1/0.4/2 Arms ; 0.2/2/8/20 Arms
Frequency Range : DC, 15Hz~10kHz
Embedded high speed DSP, 16 bits Analog/Digital converters
10 mA minimum current range & 0.1mW power resolution
Meets ENERGY STAR / EN 50564:2011/IEC 62301:2011 / ErP measurement requirements
Accumulated energy methods for unstable power measurement
User-define criteria provides automatic PASS/FAIL indications
Half rack width and 2U height, suitable for system integration
Dual current shunt design provides high accuracy over a wide current range (Model 66202)
THD and user-specify order distortion measurement (Model 66202)
Inrush current and energy measurement (Model 66202)
Interface options : USB or USB+GPIB
Voltage/ Current harmonics measurement up to 50 orders

Chroma 66202 Power Meter meets EN 50564:2011/IEC 62301:2011 requirement for power measurement
EN 50564:2011 (derived from IEC 62301:2011) is the latest standard for defining requirements for the measurement of low power consumption for electrical and electronics household and office equipment. Chroma 66202 Power Meter is capable of meeting EN 50564:2011 requirements for power measurement instrument in accordance to section B.2.1 regarding instruments for power measurements. In addition to that, Chroma 66202 Power Meter is also capable of meeting the power measurement uncertainty requirements stated in section 4.4.1 as the power meter has verified by KEMA in accordance to IEC 62301:2005, and with the newly confirmed power measurement accuracy specification 0.1% of reading + 0.05% of range (for 300V x 100mA range), the power uncertainty contributed by 66202 Power Meter is less than the absolute power uncertainty 0.02W. The new standard has included interpretation, calculation and implementation methods for analyzing the measured power and the analyzing process is complex and time consuming. In order to resolve this, the 66202 Power Meter Softpanel has included the required data analysis feature and provide users with easy to use interface to carry out the standby power measurement according to the international standard. The Softpanel measures and provides test report feature for recording all the key parameters such as Total Harmonics Distortion (THD), waveform crest factor, voltage, current, frequency, active power, apparent power, power factor, etc.
* Model 66200 ENERGY STAR-Power Test Soft Panel Download
Chroma's 66200 Series Digital Power Meter is designed for single-phase measurements of AC power signals and related parameters common to most electronic products. Instead of traditional analog measurement circuits, the 66200 uses state-of-the-art DSP digitizing technology. The internal 16 bits analog/digital converters with sampling rates of up to 240kHz provide both high speed and high accuracy measurements which is unprecedented within the industry for this class of power meters current on the market.
The instruments include a four part display with 7-segment LED front panel readouts. Users can easily select desired parameters and readouts at a touch of a button. Instruments also include optional remote control using USB or GPIB interfaces via rear panel connections. The 66200 is packaged in a 2U high, half rack enclosure suitable for benchtop or system integration.
The Model 66201 includes simple measurement functions designed for low power applications (maximum current 2A). Examples of these devices are AC adapters, battery chargers, LCD monitors, and similar devices. Included measurement data is as following :
1. Voltage : Vrms, Vpeak+, Vpeak- 
2. Current : Irms, Ipeak+, Ipeak- 
3. Power : Watts, Power Factor, 
               Apparent Power VA, 
               Reactive Power VAR 
4. Current Crest Factor & Frequency
The Model 66202 includes a 2-shunt design to provide highly accurate readings for both low and high current measurements. In addition to the parameters measured by Model 66201, the 66202 includes Inrush current, Total Harmonic Distortion of V/I, and Energy measurements. With these practical functions, the Model 66202 is suitable for the most demanding of R&D and quality control departments.

Model    Description    
66201     Digital Power Meter    
66202     Digital Power Meter    
A662001     USB Remote Interface Board

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