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首页 > 供应产品 > 供应柏油清洁剂 沥青水 沥青清洗剂 柏油净 车亮柏油净20kg汽车美容产品
供应柏油清洁剂 沥青水 沥青清洗剂 柏油净 车亮柏油净20kg汽车美容产品
浏览: 916
品牌: 绿巨人 车亮 易省磨 嘉俊丽 LP
保质期限: 3年
净含量: 450ml
单价: 200.00元/桶
最小起订量: 1 桶
供货总量: 10000 桶
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-10-24 00:29
保质期限 3年
净含量 450ml
产地 广东佛山
品牌 车亮
型号 8804

柏油清洁剂 本品选用国际先进**溶剂精心配制而成,能快速渗透、溶解、清除汽车、金属、车轮表面的沥青(柏油)、油漆、新染的顽固污迹。决不损伤汽车漆面,令您的爱车靓丽如新。 特点: 油溶性混合物,不溶于水,对汽车漆面无任何分解或溶解副作用。但对沾付在漆面表面的柏油特别敏感,只要柏油一接触本品,表面张力**会发生破坏。本品对人体和汽车漆面无损害。 使用方法: 1.将本品直接喷射于污垢处。 2.数秒钟后即可溶解污垢。 3.用软布擦净污垢即可。 4.使用本品打蜡效果更佳。 注意事项: 1. 本品需在40℃以下、通风干燥的地方存放。 2. 远离火源及高温。 3. 避免刺穿或焚烧罐体。 4. 不小心喷入眼中,请立即用大量清水冲洗干净。 注意: 因本品属油溶混合物,存放时请远离火源或高温处,用时请勿与水混合使用,否则本品会失去所有效果。 规格:450ml*24/20kg/4L*4    有效期:3年 Pitch Cleaner The product adopts the international advanced quality solvents, it can quickly penetrate inside and dissolve, help quickly removing the asphalt (tar) and new stubborn stains on the car, metal, or wheel surface. It will have no side-effect to car surface, after using, your car will be bright as new. Characteristics: oil-soluble compounds, insoluble in water, no harm to car paint. Specially using to clean the asphalt on the car surface, it will remove quickly as long as contacting with the asphalt, it will do not harm to skin when using. Usage:                   1. Directly spray it on the stain. 2. After a few seconds, it will dissolve the staines. 3. Wipe with the soft cloth. 4. Togethe using with the wax, it will have better effect. Remarks: 1. The goods should be stored at the environment below 40 ℃, ventilated, and dry place. 2. Keep it away from fire and high temperature. 3. Prohibit to pierce or burn the tank. 4. Accidently when it goes into the eyes, immediately rinse with plenty of clean water. Note: Because this product is oil-soluble compounds, store it away from fire or hot place, do not mix with water when using otherwise it would lose its own effect.

Specification: 450ml * 24/20kg/4L * 4       Period of validity: 3 years

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